Sunday, January 20, 2013


Coreese Wells, Blytheville City Carrier

Coreese Wells was recently commended by Postmaster General, Patrick Donahoe for her heroism and selfless display of civic duty. This recognition was well deserved for the part she played in making sure a child was safe.

While delivering her route, Coreese noticed a small child, alone, wandering along a busy highway in Gosnell, AR, she walking dangerously close to the edge of the roadway and cars were having to swerve to avoid hitting her. Naturally, Coreese stopped to question and help this child. The little girl seemed to be about four years old and was not able explain where she was going, but stated her friend lived further down the highway.

Coreese began to walk with the child for her protection, called her supervisor to apprise him of the situation and the supervisor called the Gosnell Police Department.  The officer was able to find someone that knew the child and where she lived. She was returned safely to her home.

The officer commented, "She (Coreese) was amazing. These days people like Coreese Wells are few and far between."

Thank you Coreese for being who you are, for caring for this little one and for being an outstanding representative of the US Postal Service!

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