Sunday, October 19, 2014


Manager Post Office Operations Al Alexander (r) administers the oath of office to newly appointed Fayetteville Postmaster Charles Redburn (l) as his wife Kelly stands a witness.

Charles Redburn has been appointed as the new Fayetteville Arkansas Postmaster.  Mr. Redburn has a postal career spanning almost 23 years, and served more than 2 and a half years abroad in the U.S. Army including 6 months in Operation Desert Storm bringing his combined federal service to 25 years.

Mr. Redburn began his postal career as a mail processor in the Quincy Illinois Mail Processing Center in 1991 and shortly after became a Mail Processing Supervisor. He was promoted to Customer Service Supervisor in Salem, MO in 1994 and appointed Salem Postmaster in 1996. He was promoted and appointed West Plains MO Postmaster in 2002.  Mr. Redburn served as Officer in Charge and was promoted to Postmaster in Bismarck, ND from 2012 – 2014.  He has served in many other capacities within the Postal Service that have opened the door to his most recent promotion, Fayetteville Postmaster.

Mr. Redburn grew up on a 145 acre farm north of St. James, MO where his parents still reside. He has been happily married to Kelly for 28 years.  They have three sons, one daughter, a granddaughter and a grandson. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in December 2000 and plans to continue his education in Fayetteville to include a Master’s Degree in Business.

Please join us as Charles Redburn takes the Oath of Office as the new Postmaster of Fayetteville, AR.

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