Beebe RCA Margie Dimas
received this letter of commendation from a customer.
“On May 28, one of your
employees certainly earned our gratitude for her extraordinary dedication to
duty and concern for her customers. This sole purpose of this letter is to bring
to your notice her dedication. I do not
know her last name but the first is, Margie.
We had medicine ordered and
we were in much need of. On May 27, when it was not received in a timely
manner, I contacted the pharmacy and found out it had been shipped via
UPS. Their website showed that on May
22, it was received by the Beebe Post Office and that delivery was attempted on
Friday, May 23. We did not know the
medicine was at your office until contacting UPS.
My step father was killed by
a teenage girl crossing the center line and hitting him head on. We spent the day with the family and at the
funeral. We were only gone on May 23.
On Tuesday, May 27, after
contacting your office we were told it would be delivered on Wednesday, May 28.
I met the substitute carrier at the mail box.
She knew nothing of this. She was very concerned and apologized. She
said “I will check at the end of my route, when I return to the office. If I can find it, I will deliver it as soon
as I get off work.” I told her she didn’t have to, but she did just that. This took much of her own time, at a point
that she must have been very tired and really wanting to be home.
I don’t know if the US Postal
Service has any way to reward her for her this display of kindness and duty,
but if it does, she deserves recognition.
She certainly has our